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#131 | Mike Curiak, A Multi-Sport Adventurer - A Metamorphosis Of Ambition To Contentment

#131 | Mike Curiak, A Multi-Sport Adventurer - A Metamorphosis Of Ambition To Contentment

This is episode 131 of the Becoming Human Podcast featuring Mike Curiak: a legendary mountain biker, long-distance, multi-sport athlete, and a craftsman specializing in custom bike rims.

Mike has led the lifestyle of a dedicated mountain bike racer for 17 years. In 2009, Mike was nominated for the Mountain Bike Hall Of Fame. After many years of racing, Mike had transitioned to a slower pace of life. Mike moved from a busy town in Colorado to a quite remote area in Idaho. In this episode, we talk a lot about Mike’s transition from a busy lifestyle competing and pushing the envelope to a slower pace where Mike can witness his imminent world work in intimate ways. Mike also loves to use packrafts to explore waterways. Packrafts are inflatable lightweight rafts that can be packed in a backpack for long distances. 

Mike has thorough expertise in building custom bike rims which can be seen on

Check out his videos of him completing, unsupported, the Iditarod Trail Invitational, a 1000 mile mountain biking endurance race. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Checkout Packrafting: An Introduction and How-To Guide

#132 | Michael Mcknight - Running 100 miles without additional calories

#132 | Michael Mcknight - Running 100 miles without additional calories

#130 | Matt Christian - The Sojourn Calls To Verde

#130 | Matt Christian - The Sojourn Calls To Verde