My 7 Favorite Online Yoga Classes

Yoga is a moving meditation that will increase your body control, stability, flexibility, strength, and it may prevent injuries. With a low barrier to entry and relevant health benefits to athletes, yoga complements Jiujitsu practice well. In this article, I discuss my 7 favorite yoga teachers.

Actionable Content To Improve Your Life

I have found some incredible resources that have changed my perspective, routines, and principals. I’m not a religious person, I’m agnostic, and that makes it challenging to figure out how to live a quality life without subscribing to a system already defined for me. For me, religion was too simplistic and I saw many failed examples of how it was trying to help structure people. I’ve since learned that it is not very simplistic and it’s an individual experience that’s rife with mystery and excitement. The recommendations are from a variety of platforms such as podcasts, books, and apps.

Improving Your Ability to Tolerate Discomfort and Improving Emotional Stability.

Your ability to tolerate what you think is uncomfortable is not fixed, it is a thing that you can grow or reduce.

Temperature influences people’s behavior and tendency to go outside. The purpose of these exercises is to explore your personal narrative and subsequent thoughts around temperature. You can control your environment to an extent but what you can always control is how you respond to your thoughts and sensations.