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#157 | The Flowing Dutchman - Documenting India and Swinging Maces

#157 | The Flowing Dutchman - Documenting India and Swinging Maces

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Harbert Egberts is a personal trainer and founder of Functional Harbeats, a platform, and community that offers rotational strength and conditioning, kettlebell exercises, and other forms of the training protocol. Harbert is a Mace specialist. He traveled around the world to study with experts in the craft.

Harbert began traveling to India to document the culture and explore the cultural history of gadas, their name, and the version of a mace. The culture has been using it for 3,000 years and they’ve been using it for strength in Kushti wrestling, a specific kind of wrestling in India.

The Flowing Dutchman has wonderful stories of riding his motorbike across India. One, in particular, was really adventurous. You can watch his documentaries on his youtube channel The Flowing Dutchman.

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The Flowing Dutchman

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