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#13  Inquire Within Reality: Brett Speaks

#13 Inquire Within Reality: Brett Speaks

Hey ya beautiful fucks! In this episode of the becoming human podcast we have Brett from Inquire Within Reality, an acoustic, death metal band. The music is like a hallucinogenic adventure, coming to terms with a wide array of conspiracy theories, ufos, illuminati, and the interdimensional beings. I honestly have no fucking clue what to make of this shit and I want to go into it from an objective point of view and try to understand it from a cultural and scientific standpoint. In this episode I got to understand the appeal of belonging or clinging to a group and its role in maintaining fulfillment. Anyway let’s get to the aliens ya fucks!

You can get in touch and follow Inquire within on facebook( and instagram as @InquireWithinReality

Before we start, here’s their song- Blood Moon..

#14 Levi of Liberty Lotion

#14 Levi of Liberty Lotion

#12 Jesse Nutting: Fear is Familiar

#12 Jesse Nutting: Fear is Familiar