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#29 | Solo Episode - Meandering Reflections

#29 | Solo Episode - Meandering Reflections

I started this podcast inspired by the contrast of people who struggled with destructive and constructive behavior. I wanted to showcase the variety of perspectives and experiences that we have. I have really enjoyed it thus far and I thought this would be a good time to ramble about life while I'm spending my days scouring the wild. When I return, the podcasts will be back to normal. Thank you to Kristoff Krane for the outro song, Blank Slate off of his new album Kairos part 1. He was instrumental in exposing me to new ideas as a kid, check out his album here:

#30 | AllOne (@AllOneVoice) Pursuing Your Personal Legend

#30 | AllOne (@AllOneVoice) Pursuing Your Personal Legend

#28 | Kris (@krysanthemum64) - The Cult Of Costco

#28 | Kris (@krysanthemum64) - The Cult Of Costco