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#80 | Sharif Robles - Koei-Kan(The House of Peace and Prosperity)  & Karate-Do

#80 | Sharif Robles - Koei-Kan(The House of Peace and Prosperity) & Karate-Do

Sharif Robles is the teacher of Karate-Do at Koei-Kan martial arts academy. His academy also hosts a diverse range of martial arts teachers from 10planet no-gi Jiu-Jitsu instructor Nathan Orchard to Yamanoshita Suenaka-Ha, an Aikido teacher and everything in between. With over 20 years of karate-do training, Sharif is a skilled practitioner and teacher. Sharif is more than a student of martial arts, he's a student of life with a penchant for keen observations. It was an honor to sit down with a master of karate-do and understand how his motivations for training in martial arts have evolved. Outside of martial arts, sharif's experience is a testament to learning the way and honing your character.

I love meeting people like Sharif - he's tenacious in his pursuit of martial arts and expanding the amount of time he can practice and rejoice with his family. He’s enthusiastic about life and the challenges that it presents. After all, what else do we have?

You can checkout Sharif's classes at and find him on Instagram @sharifrobles

#81 | Richie Martinez - Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Break Dancer

#81 | Richie Martinez - Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Break Dancer

#79 | Aaron Guyett - Post Traumatic Growth

#79 | Aaron Guyett - Post Traumatic Growth